Uniform & PE kit

Our school uniform consists of a jade green or white polo shirt, jade green jumper or cardigan, black or grey skirt, school dress, trousers or shorts. Children should wear suitable black school shoes.


Our uniform is supplied by TERM TIME WEAR, St. John's Road, Huddersfield and Natasha's School Wear, Buxton Way, Huddersfield.

Term Time stock our red or green book bags which feature the school logo. (For pupils due to start in Reception please do not purchase a book bag as our PTA provide a school book bag on entry).

PE Kit 

A PE kit is also needed by each child and should consist of the following: - Indoor kit: a white t-shirt, pair of green striped PE shorts/green skort and pumps/trainers - Outdoor kit: as indoor but also including a pair of jogging bottoms/tracksuit bottoms, a tracksuit top or sports jacket, outdoor trainers and a light shower proof jacket.

Natasha's School Wear stock the green skorts for PE. These can be ordered by ringing the shop directly on 01484 431260. 

For the various PE timetables please refer to the individual class pages.

Uniform Exchange

Uniform Exchange is a Kirklees based charity who recycles good, school uniform, passing it from one family to another. 

If you have any uniform that you no longer need it can be taken to your nearest Donation Point.