"Working together to be our best"



As a Federation, we have designed our RE curriculum around three key aims of study which are:


Making sense of beliefs,

Making connections

Understanding the impact.


Within these aims we build in the required coverage of religions and world views, which also includes non-religious views. 


We want our children:

to know that R.E stands for Religious Education.

to be able to hold informed conversations about belief and the world in which we live.

to develop a broad and balanced understanding of religions and worldviews and develop critical thinking skills.



We have a two-year rolling programme for RE which sets out our curriculum coverage of skills and knowledge. We use a combination of the Locally Agreed Syllabus and Understanding Christianity as the material for teaching R.E.




  • We check children’s learning by asking key questions and by using regular quizzes at the beginning and end of lessons.
  • We ask pupils to record their thinking as pupil voice activities.
  • We use knowledge organisers to help children to remember what they have learnt.
  • Our pupils are able to hold informed conversations about belief and world religions.